Uncovering the Problem
By identifying weak skills, you’ll have the answers you need to make informed decisions regarding the best intervention for your child or yourself. Or, perhaps you want a baseline of your or your child’s current skill levels in the event of future injury. In either case, The Gibson Test will give you critical information about cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
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What the Test Measures
The test scientifically measures the performance of key cognitive skills: memory, processing speed, auditory processing, visual processing, logic & reasoning, and word attack skills. Once cognitive weaknesses are identified, they can be strengthened, which typically addresses the root cause of the problem and removes frustrating obstacles to learning. Weak skills can be strengthened through brain training.
What the Test Measures
Administered more than 92,000 times, the Gibson Test has been validated and normed twice by experts in the fields of learning and cognition, and has strong psychometric properties.